24 Σεπ 2011

Announcement of the 13th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (Athens, Dec. 9-11)

The 13th International Meeting of Communist and Worker's Parties will be held in Athens , on December 9-11. First announcement was made on www.solidnet.org.
Since 1998, Communist Party of Greece (KKE) started the institution of the International Meeting of Communist and Labour parties as a first bold attempt to coordinate elementary Marxist-Leninist parties at international level after the counter-revolution, to put the foundations for international communist movement rebuilding.
Is a harsh reality, wich KKE stated more than once in its official documents and party conferences' formal decisions, international communist movement is in the state of heavy crisis, it is fragmented, did not manage to overcome negative implications of the USSR – an other socialist countries – counterrevolution.

From a session of Comintern in 1920
Many parties went reformist and/or socialdemocratic, some of them made unholy alliases with the “devil”, the bourgeoise class, lost their revolutionary features completely...
Much damage have been done by the coordination of many “left” former-communist parties in the formation of the famous Party of the European Left, under initiave of eurocommunists/opportunists, wich brought together all these parties and fenced them within the logic of the european union, turned them to cooperatives of european monopolies, the left pretext of european imperialism.
Not much to say about parties in other places of the world, they had a major setback, both at an organisational or political knowledge and experience, let alone their negligible influence into their countries.
Among unspoken difficulties, thousands of obstacles, KKE managed to take this initiative and put the cornerstone for greater steps on this issue, implementing one of the basic principle of its existence, proletarian internationalism (the other one is marxism-leninism of course).
The reestablishment of a brand new Communist International, a secret desire for many communists in Greece and other countries, to be perfectly honest, is still immature, at least that' s what comes up by the official statements of our party people.
Lenin at the presidium of Comintern
Of course, this doesn' t mean we'll give up trying or won't do anything within our power to achieve party's goals in our own country. As movements progress along with the KKE's influence in greek society, other countries' communist parties should be positively influenced and empowered.
Nevertheless, inspite the favorable occasion of the capitalist crisis, we still have a long way to go on the issue of transnational coordination.
We, contributors of the Glombing and Redfly Planet blogs, the least we can do is to promote it, to try to get in touch with communists (and other people) in all over the world so that this can be supported, in order to spread (from the very beginning if necessary) the communist theory in as much ground as possible.
Peoples will prevail again, communist perspective will haunt imperialists back, watching their system collapsing.
We will win again!

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